If you’re trying to save money as a family, it’s likely that one of the things you heard as you started researching was to stay away from credit cards. While this is often an important tip, a credit card can actually be helpful for some families, depending on how you use it. Here are the tips you can use to benefit from a credit card like the Chase Freedom Flex.
1. Keep Your Spending Smart
Obviously, you need to be careful when it comes to spending money on your credit card. Only make purchases that you’re sure you can pay off in a reasonable amount of time. Too many people end up mired in credit card debt because they don’t know how to spend thoughtfully on a credit card.
2. Look for Sign-On Bonuses
Many credit cards offer sign-on bonuses to encourage people to apply for a credit card. This sign-on bonus may be multiple hundreds of dollars, which you can get for free as long as you spend a certain amount of money within a certain amount of time. Check for these bonuses and see how you’ll qualify.
3. Check for Information on APR
APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate, and it has to do with the interest percentage you’ll pay on your credit card purchases. There are a range of APRs, and the percentage can go up or down dramatically depending on the economic climate. Your best bet to see whether a card offers a good APR is to compare the card’s APR against other cards in the same category.
4. Look at the Annual Fee
Annual fees can be tricky. If you’re trying to save money as a family, you’ll probably want to stay away from a card with an annual fee, as it can be more hassle than it’s worth. However, some cards with an annual fee can also end up giving you more than you’ll pay as an annual fee. It’s up to the individual family, but when you’re first choosing a credit card, it’s typically a good idea to avoid it.
5. See What Kinds of Rewards Are Available for Daily Shopping
Typically, credit cards will have different cash-back categories where you can get different percentages for shopping at different locations. You may get a certain percentage for grocery shopping, a certain percentage for travel, and a certain percentage for dining purchases. This is where you’re going to get most of your cash-back, so pay close attention to it and use the card wisely.
Families may want to stay as far away as possible from credit cards because of their bad reputation, which is totally understandable. However, many families can benefit tremendously from a credit card. Your best bet will always be to find a good credit card, then use it properly. If you’re trying to save money as a family, a credit card may be able to help you save more without really thinking about it.