Table of Contents
Remote jobs part time entry level benefit all job seekers from all backgrounds. Working from home can provide you with greater flexibility than traditional office jobs. Moreover, the popularity of remote and work-from-home jobs led to a rise in remote job openings in the USA. Thus, as a remote job seeker, you will find many part-time and full-time remote jobs in different fields.
However, in the blog below, we will primarily discuss remote jobs part time entry level. Read the blog to learn more!
What are remote jobs part time entry level?
A part-time job is where employees work for fewer hours than full-time employees. It means if the full-time employee works from 9 to 5, the part-time employee might work from 9 to 1 or 1 to 5. If we talk about remote jobs part time entry level, these are the jobs that a fresher or inexperienced worker will do part-time from home or anywhere.
Remote jobs part time entry level work from home, are mainly in demand among college students and mothers who do not have any professional job experience and are looking for a part-time job to work remotely.
What do you need for remote jobs part time entry level?
When working remotely and finding a remote job, the first thing to know is the things necessary to work remotely. The best thing about remote jobs part time entry level is that these jobs only require a few resources.
Therefore, remote workers usually use their skills and some tools to work effectively from home. It means you can also work from home if you have the required skills in your career field and the necessary tools. Although every remote job requires different tools, technologies, and skills, some things that remain consistent in all remote jobs part time entry level worldwide are:
- A working desktop device like a computer or laptop with a webcam and additional hardware.
- Stable and high-speed Wi-Fi connection.
- A comfortable and quiet workspace in the home or anywhere to focus and concentrate on work.
Now that you know the things required to work remotely, the next step is to learn how to prepare yourself to land your dream remote role.
How can you get remote jobs part time entry level?
Thinking about adopting the remote job concept might seem fascinating. But the hard part is to get started. You will find many challenges in your remote job hunt journey. However, the most important thing is to overcome these challenges and succeed in the remote job search process.
Staying focused and following some remote work tips can help you land your dream remote job. Here are some tips to help you find an ideal remote job from many remote jobs part time entry level:
- Enhance your skills: If you want to find remote jobs part time entry level near me, you should invest your time and energy to learn new skills. This additional training and skill development will benefit you in finding a remote job and help you retain that job. In addition, you can add these skills to your CV to catch the recruiter’s eye.
- Stay patient and dedicated: You must understand that finding a remote job is not that easy, especially in the competitive US employment market. The switch to remote work will not happen overnight. Thus, it would help if you stayed calm and patient instead of being frustrated. Stay dedicated and motivated, and always remember that this new transition will reap long-term career benefits.
- Build professional connections: You must stay in touch and constantly interact with remote workers in your field. Create your profile on popular job search platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook and build professional relationships with companies and recruiters. Making connections and meaningful relationships with employers can provide you with many remote career opportunities.
If you have read the above three tips carefully and apply them during your remote job hunt, you will have a higher chance of finding the best remote role quickly. Now, you must be wondering what remote jobs part time entry level will be the best for me. So, let us now move ahead and cover this other remote work aspect.
Which are the best remote jobs part time entry level?
Here are the four best and the most popular remote jobs part time entry level in USA for jobseekers with no college degree and past professional experience:
Virtual/online assistant
The job as a virtual assistant is not only one of the best remote jobs part time entry level, but also the highest paying part-time remote job. Another best thing about this job is that you can land it even without any remote job experience. Your job responsibilities as a virtual assistant will be to become the right hand of an employer or team and take care of all the admin details.
In other words, you will have to manage everything on behalf of the person you are working for. For example, you may have to book tickets, respond to emails, schedule meetings, etc. You can expect an average salary starting from $35,000 by working as a remote entry-level virtual assistant. However, if you already have work experience in this field, you can expect an average salary between $47,000 to $60,000.
Social media specialist/manager
The job of a social media specialist or manager is the best choice for social media enthusiasts who like to engage and connect with people. It is because, as a social media specialist, you will be responsible for planning, executing, and monitoring social media campaigns for organizations. Your main aim would be to use different social media platforms to increase online engagement. Moreover, you will also have to attract new customers by boosting brand awareness.
So, if you have the potential to provide valuable content for social media platforms and relationship-building and marketing skills, working as a remote social media specialist will be the best decision. Remote social media managers earn an average salary of over $47,000.
HR assistant/manager
Recently, many US organizations have been struggling with finding the best talent for their open roles. That is why they are always hunting for remote HR assistants who can help them in this situation. If you work as an HR assistant for a business organization, you may have to post job advertisements, review candidate resumes, and hire the most qualified candidates.
Besides this, you might also have to conduct training sessions and virtual onboarding meetings for the new employees. Usually, human resources (HR) assistants working remotely in the USA earn an average salary of over $35,000 per year.
Data entry specialist/clerk
The job for a data entry specialist is on our list of best remote jobs part time entry level because this job only demands you to have fast typing skills and an eye for details. Besides this, you need to have basic digital literacy. It is because, as a data entry specialist, you have to use spreadsheets and word processing software to sort and manage data in an organized way based on the client’s needs and requirements.
However, you do not require any degree or prior working experience to land a job as a data entry specialist. If we talk about the salary of a remote data entry clerk, it starts from $30,000 per year.
In the end,
We tried our best to give you a brief understanding of the remote jobs part time entry level. But there is still one question left to address! The question is, where can you search and apply for the best remote jobs in the USA? The answer is Pitch N Hire!
You can trust our job search platform to help you find numerous remote career opportunities in your respective field. So, check out our exceptional remote job boards from our website now and quickly land your dream remote job!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1- Can I get paid in USD in India?
You can get paid in USD in India if you work remotely for a US company. In this situation, you can work as a freelancer and complete individual projects for US companies. Or else, you can land a temporary or permanent remote job in a US company. In both cases, you will receive the payment in USD.
2- Can I work for a US company from India remotely?
Yes, you can conveniently work for a US company by landing a remote job. To do this, look for the best remote jobs part time entry level in USA and start working remotely. Many Indian job seekers have been working remotely for US organizations for many years. That is because remote work does not require in-office presence, and you can work from home or anywhere you like.
3- How much do Indians earn in the USA?
The salary Indian and other international employees working in the USA receive varies from one job to another. Besides this, there are many other factors based on which US companies calculate the salary for Indian workers. These factors are experience, skills, job type (remote, hybrid, on-site), working duration, etc.